Hip Strengthening & Stretching

1. Hip Rotator Strengthening (clam shell exercise)

To do this exercise properly while recruiting the correct muscles can be challenging. Paying attention is key.

  • Lying on your side (support your head) maintaining a neutral spine/pelvis, stack your hips vertically.

  • Extend your hips about 45-60 degrees.

  • Keeping your feet together, slowly lift the top knee towards the ceiling. 

  • Hold for 2-3 secs, then slowly lower the knee back down. 

  • Make sure your hips stay vertically aligned throughout the exercise. Don’t allow the pelvis to rotate forward or backwards.

  • Do 3 x 5 repetitions initially. Progress to more reps once this is no longer fatiguing your muscles. 

Hint: You can put your hand on your hip to monitor glute activation. If you feel a burning, achy sensation in the glutes after exercising them, pounding the muscles with a loose fist is very helpful.

To watch the clam shell exercise, visit Sportsinjuryclinic.net.

Rotator Strengthening Neutral
Rotator Strengthening Activation

2. Hip Abductor Strengthening (primarily gluteus medius)

Like with the hip rotator exercise, maintaining proper form with this exercise is essential. Pay attention!

  • Lying on your side (head supported), top leg straight, hips rotated slightly forward, engage core stabilizers (i.e. pull your belly button in).

  • Keeping toes pointed straight ahead, slowly lift the top straight leg up and slowly bring it down again.

  • Do 3 x 5 repetitions initially and progress to more reps once this is not fatiguing your muscles any more.

Gluteus Medius Strengthening Neutral
Gluteus Medius Strengthening Activation

3. Hip Rotator Stretches

 Stretch 1

  • Lie on your back (with support under your head). Make sure your lower back/pelvis is and remains in a neutral position. Avoid arching. 

  • Cross the foot of the side you intend to stretch over the opposite thigh. 

  • Hold that leg behind the thigh with both hands and slowly pull the thigh up to the same side shoulder. Hold for 30 sec. minimum. 

  • Repeat on the other side.

Variation: Alternatively, you can do a seated stretch by leaning your straight torso towards your crossed leg. 

Gemelli Stretch

Stretch 2

  • Lie down on your back (with support under your head.) 

  • Hold the leg of the side you intend to stretch at the knee with one hand, and above the ankle with the other.

  • Pull the leg to the opposite side shoulder while maintaining a neutral spine/pelvis. Hold for 30 sec minimum.

  • Repeat on the other side.

Piriformis Stretch
Annette Oevermann